Sunday, January 25, 2009


We have mentioned that bones are very rigid and strong. They may, however, be broken when they are exposed to severe blows. What happens then? The bone repairs itself. Doctors set the broken bone and make a plaster cast so that the bone knits correctly. There is nothing left for the doctors to do because the bone has its own repairing mechanism. It is miraculous that a broken bone heals itself and becomes even stronger than before. This miracle is worked as follows: The blood surrounding the broken bone coagulates and forms a "haematoma", which is a large mass of clotted blood. This clot is a coating similar to the scab on your skin that occur following a cut. Minerals secreted by bone-building cells transform this clot into a rigid bone. Once this phase is completed, bone-dissolving cells come into play. Acting like a professional sculptor, these cells reduce the new bone with hydrochloric acid, which is a quite strong acid, and give a particular form to the bone. This process continues until the bone regains its original form. Even a year later, these bone-dissolving cells keep reducing the bone like diligent sculptors in order to shape it. As you have realised, all these tasks that are performed by bone cells, which are too small to be perceived by the naked eye, are signs of a superior intelligence. That is because cells do not have eyes to see with, yet they can build bones. Besides, they can understand when the space between the two broken pieces is filled and thus can decide when to stop. Then bone-dissolving cells notice that the newly built bone needs to be fashioned, and start reducing it. In order to do this, they use a strong acid to break down the bone, and give it the most appropriate form by applying this acid in smaller or greater quantities as necessary. As you can see, all bone cells know very well what to do as well as how and where to do it. The system built for healing our bones works perfectly and enables bones to repair themselves. Scientists have admired this astonishing ability of bones for years. How did bone cells acquire such an amazing ability, which works totally without the awareness of the person concerned? How do cells know what they need to repair a broken bone and what actions to perform in order to heal it? While some of the cells have acquired the ability to build bones, others have taken on the duty of shaping them. Who assigned them their tasks? How come there is no disorder and how is it that each of them carries out its tasks at the exact moment it is required? Did bone cells learn all these things by themselves? Surely all these extraordinary tasks cannot be performed by some almost invisible cells' own volition. They could not possibly have learnt them by chance either. Acting by the inspiration of the All-Wise Allah, Who created them, our bone cells can give shape to bones like a skillful sculptor.

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